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Renee Nairn's Story

I now have a new found sense of self-confidence, and feel educated to make the best choices for me and my family when it comes to Nutrition and exercise.

“From a very young age I always loved food. As an adult I tried controlling weight gain by eating very little during the day and whatever I wanted at night. I binged when I was emotional. I exercised but I never really had any shape. And as I aged, intolerances where making me feel really sick. I kept this to myself and soldiered on but it was gradually making me feel depressed and anxious as my lack of food during the day was leaving me energy depleted.

That’s when I made the decision to go and see Andy & Dwayne and within a few months I knew I had made the right choice. I was starting to feel much better every day. They taught me to use food and structured weight training as a tool to improve my health, the way I looked and the way I felt. They instilled knowledge on foods so that I could finally decipher and understand what my eating habits were doing to me and allowed me to happily make better choices. 

And lastly they gave me the confidence to safely use weight training by focusing on technique and doing just enough to keep enjoying it while building muscle and shape to benefit my body, without burn out. 

My aim at the very start was to be strong to be able to do lots of physically demanding activities with my kids. Andy and Dwayne have helped me achieve this for the first time in my life and I am in my 40's.”

Transformation Time Frame – 12 Months (4 x 12wk Programs)
Programs completed to achieve this Transformation: